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Franklin, Stanley (1930 - 2004)

Stanley Franklin original cartoon artwork.

At 14, Stanley Franklin applied for a political cartooning job on the Evening Standard, but was informed "that a chap called David Low already held the post and intended keeping it." In 1959 he became political cartoonist on the Daily Mirror, taking over as Vicky's permanent replacement, although was told to adopt a lighter and more humorous approach than his predecessor. He left the Daily Mirror in 1970, claiming that it had lost interest in its cartoons. From 1974 he freelanced as a political cartoonist for the New Statesman. In the same year he took over from Paul Rigby as cartoonist of the Sun. He was much happier at the Sun than he had been on the Daily Mirror. "The Sun is much bolder in approach. They have allowed me to draw cartoons which I don't think the Mirror would have allowed me to do... On the Mirror, they would often have a day without a cartoon. If the editor didn't like it, it wouldn't go in." At the Sun, by contrast, "I've never had a day without a cartoon.” He retired from the Sun in 1998.